Milena Pawlik-Glinowiecka
Project Coordiantor
Psychologist, educator, speech therapist.
For years associated with education as a school psychologist and educator. Co-founder of the Therapy and Development Center OD NOWA. Currently collaborating with the Association of Families and Friends of People with Mental Disorders Integration, where she conducts social skills training in the project of sheltered-training housing for people in mental crises. Member of the research team at the University of Warsaw, where she is implementing a grant dedicated to the social role of the sick. She also has business experience - for several years she worked in the HR area in one of the largest Polish companies.
In the Foundation, she wants to use her previous experience in working with children. She sees a connection between eye diseases and the problem of excessive use of electronic devices. She would like to focus on preventive actions aimed at preventing visual impairments and addictions related to using the computer, phone, and social media.